FAQ - general


WHO IS OH DEER SUGAR? We are! Hello, we are Sharni & Nikki. We handcraft literally every single product you see right here at our Herd HQ in Brisbane. We started Oh Deer Sugar in 2013 - 9 years ago. Yeah, we are old now.. BUT because we've been doing this for so long, we are kinda reallllyyy good at what we do! We love ODS and our whole lives revolve around it. We are extremely passionate about making the highest quality products available, using the highest quality ingredients, whilst having the best time doing it. The passion we put into every product oozes out and before you know it, you'll love ODS as much as we do too. Try us, just once.. I promise you'll never look back. Also, if you do want to get to know us a little better, you should come out in our exclusive Oh Deer Sugar Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/2237042283197533/


DO YOU HAVE A STORE? Oh Deer Sugar is an online business so you can purchase directly through our website and have it delivered or choose click and collect at checkout. We do open the Herd HQ Storefront for special events and occasions only. We will announce the open days on our social media.


DO YOU OFFER CLICK & COLLECT? Closed indefinitely whilst we make changes at Herd HQ. Currently only shipping is an option. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

HOW CAN I GET IN CONTACT? The quickest and easiest way to contact us is via Facebook Messenger or you can email us: hello@ohdeersugar.com

DO YOUR PRODUCTS CONTAIN NUTS/GLUTEN/SOY? Yes, we use all of these items in numerous products. Nuts used include but may not be limited to almond oil, almond flour, Shea butter, walnut shells etc in a lot of our products - these are listed in the ingredients. A lot of our products do not directly contain nuts, however, unfortunately all of our products have a high chance of containing nut traces due to cross contamination. If you have an allergy, we do suggest avoiding Oh Deer Sugar products.


DO YOUR PRODUCTS CONTAIN MICRO-PLASTICS? No, absolutely not. Our products are 100% plastic-free! All of our ingredients are biodegradable. The shimmer you see on our products is ethically sourced, plastic-free mica. Our jars are all recyclable and our 'plastic' slips that we use to package wax melts, bath bombs, shower steamers etc is in fact not plastic and completely home compostable.

CAN I HAVE MY ORDER EXPRESS SHIPPED? Most of the time, YES! Simply inbox us on Facebook and make an enquiry. Provided all items are in stock and ready to go, we can send you a payment request to pay the difference and express ship your order as soon as possible. T&C apply.

MY ORDER IS A GIFT, CAN I ADD A NOTE? Yes, simply add the gift item to your cart and add your note request to the comments section upon placing your order. (Let us know if you need the invoice excluded). Unfortunately notes cannot be added once order has been placed. 

ARE ALL YOUR PRODUCTS VEGAN? Yes, the Deer owners are both vegan so when we created Oh Deer Sugar, we had the animals and the  environment at the forefront of our mind. The use of animal ingredients or even animal-tested ingredients is so unnecessary and we want to show people that. Plants are amazing – we don’t need to harm animals to look, smell or feel good!  

DO YOUR PRODUCTS CONTAIN SLS, PARABENS OR ANY OTHER NASTIES? No, we only ever use SLSA which is a plant derived foaming agent. All our fragrances are phthalate free. Our shimmer and mica is completely plastic free and ethically sourced. Our packaging boxes are recyclable and our packaging foam is made from corn starch. 

CAN I CANCEL MY ORDERS? Orders cannot be cancelled or altered once placed. This includes combining orders, altering or adding products etc. Special release boxes and theme boxes can't be canceled or altered. Gift cards cannot be cancelled. See terms and conditions for more information. 

WILL YOUR BATH BOMBS STAIN MY BATH? No. However, please ensure that the bath is clean prior to use. After use, rinse bath immediately - do not let coloured water sit in bath overnight. If unsure, always check with your bath manufacturer prior to use. 

DO YOU WHOLESALE? Unfortunately, not at this stage. 

I'M PREGNANT, CAN I USE YOUR PRODUCTS? It's always best to check with your GP prior to use. However, we do recommend avoiding products with clay, essential oils, excess salts, and caffeine. Always ensure your water is lukewarm, if unsure ask your local GP first as this is a GUIDE only. 

WHEN WILL MY PRODUCTS GO OFF? Shelf life/use by dates differ on every product - each individual product has the information required on the label or at time of purchase on our website. Always keep products in a DRY place to prevent moisture affecting them - especially bath bombs and bubble bath. Always keep products in a DARK place to prevent UV from fading the products - especially pinks & purples. 

HOW LONG DOES SHIPPING TAKE? We aim for 48 hour dispatch times but this can change without notice depending on stock levels etc. We will update you if there are any lengthy delays. Our current dispatch times and any delays can be found under the 'shipping' tab.  

HOW DO I USE MY GIFT VOUCHER? Simply enter your voucher code at checkout. Total amount of the voucher must be used in one transaction. Your voucher cannot be used to pay for shipping - this will always be added at the end. Unfortunately, only one code can be used at a time - incl any promotional codes.

HOW DO I EARN HERD POINTS? There are a few ways you can earn points! First of all, sign up to the rewards program to start earning. You earn points for signing up, your birthday, sharing us on Facebook etc. The most frequent and best way to earn points is through ordering. Every dollar you spend excluding shipping and GST will earn you points. You will NOT earn points on gift voucher purchases but will earn them when the voucher is spent. So, if the voucher is a gift, the recipient will receive the points to their account. (Points for the gift certificate purchase may appear in your account but will be manually removed to avoid double up of points.) Points can then be cashed in for discounts to be used online! 

DID WE MISS SOMETHING? ASK US hello@ohdeersugar.com